
Daniel Hartmann
For me, building furniture was born out of bravado and a dare. My wife and I needed a dining room table for our growing family. Frustrated with the high priced, low quality imported furniture commonly sold now-a-days I foolishly told my wife “I can build us a table”. My wife dared me to “do it” and the rest is history.
As I began to build furniture for myself I came to realize just how much work goes into making anything from scratch. But, the excitement and satisfaction of building something with my hands and the challenges that come with working a material as beautiful and varied as wood, left a deep impression on me.

Hallmarks of my work are precise hand-cut joinery and thoughtful design with clean, simple lines. While you will find no shortage of big machines and power tools in my shop, I take great satisfaction in hand-cutting wood-to-wood joints the old fashioned way—with hand tools.
I draw my inspiration from furniture that employs clean, simple silhouettes and lines. I find those attributes instill a timeless appeal to a piece of furniture. The emphasis being on overall perception and proportion.